Adelaide South Australia
Grid Locator PF95
35 South 138 East
SWL Call VK5001SWL

April 14th 2017

Sunrise 2115z Sunset 0821z

F 74 A 5 K 4 06z No Storm SN 12 A 
4.8 Solar Wind 446km/s at 2334z

Auroral Forecast for Southern Hemisphere 35.75GW at 0325z

10M Asian Intruders 0243 weak , 0652 some S4.

18.147 3D2AG/portable, 0318 4x3 , Rotuma Island.
18.145 VK1AD/portable 2, 0325 5x5 , SOTA VK2/ST001 , Mount Cowangerong , 1364 Metres , QF44, 1002km.
18.069.40 KH7XS

22 April 2017 A.R.I. DX Bulletin
No 1355
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
******* CALENDAR *******
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW

till 22/04 3D2AG/p: Rotuma Island (OC-060) 1351
till 22/04 GM0LVI/p: Isle of Barra (EU-010) 1349
till 22/04 GT4BRS: Isle of Man (EU-116) 1351
till 22/04 OE17ATOM: special station 1354
till 22/04 TM5CT: Ile d'Ouessant (EU-065) 1353
till 22/04 XL7100: special callsign (Canada) 1351

22 April 2017 A.R.I. DX Bulletin
No 1355
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW

3W - Yuri, RM0F will be active holiday style as 3W9FU from Nha Trang,
Vietnam on 1-10 May. He will operate CW, SSB and digital modes on
40-10 metres. He might be QRV as 3W9FU/p from IOTA group AS-157 for
2-3 days during that time frame. QSL via Club Log's OQRS and LoTW,
or via home call (direct or bureau).

Adelaide South Australia
Grid Locator PF95
35 South 138 East
SWL Call VK5001SWL

April 4th 2017

Sunrise 2107z Sunset 0834z

F 108 A 4 K 4 06z K 5 09z K 5 12z
Moderate R2 Flare SN 97

C1.2 Southern Hemisphere Auroral Forecast 28.82GW at 0419z and 49.25GW at 0830z.

Solar Wind 429km/s at 0419z

Flare M5.8 at 1429z > HF fadeout South America , Central America , North Atlantic , South Atlantic.

28.265 VK4RRC/b 0041 weak Es , 0104 between weak to fair , 0144 439.
28.267 VK7RAE/b 0212 549 Es